Smellujárnasett 6 stk.

Frá Brilliant Tools - Vörunúmer: BT511045

6.995 kr

  • 6-piece set
  • For quickly and easily removing interior trims
  • Can be used universally due to the 3 different sizes 4, 8 and 10 mm
  • Two different lengths 23.5 cm and 49.5 cm
  • 2-component handle

The BRILLIANT TOOLS extraction tool set trim clips BT511045 is excellently suited for quickly and easily removing interior trims. It can be used universally due to the 3 available sizes of 4, 8, and 10 mm. The handles have a length of 23.5 cm and 49.5 cm. The 2-component handle provides an excellent grip so that removing far away clips is not a problem.

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