Verkfærasett f. höggdeyfa 39 hl.

Frá Brilliant Tools - Vörunúmer: BT651050

34.900 kr

  • 39-piece set
  • For performing repair work in the spring area (shock absorber, spring strut, coil springs etc.)
  • Applicable for all standard vehicles
  • For holding the piston rod while simultaneously releasing the securing nuts on the piston rod
  • For exact torque tightening of the shock absorber piston rods

Thanks to the BRILLIANT TOOLS shock absorber tool set BT651050, the assembling and disassembling shock absorbers and spring struts is a breeze. The set is suitable for holding up the piston rod while simultaneously releasing the securing nuts on the piston rod. The tool also enables exact torque tightening of the nuts on the shock absorber piston rod. This prevents the shock absorber from being damaged during assembly.

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