Öxulhosuglenna loft

- Vörunúmer: KS5153100

35.990 kr

Öxulhosuglenna loft

  • Hendar fyrir allar universal og upprunalegar öxulhosur
  • Fyrir öxulhosur með þvermál frá 20-120mm
  • Ekkert smurefni nauðsynlegt
Klettháls 5 (lager)
Bíldshöfði 10 Nei
Akureyri Nei
Hafnarfjörður Nei
Selfoss Nei


- Air exhaust through the handle
- Suitable for all universal car axle boots (soft)
- Also suitable for all-wheel vehicles and small transporters
- For drive shaft joint diameters from 25 - 110mm
- With 8 extremely robust spreader arms
- Spreading of the articulated arms by pneumatic
- Air pressure is regulated through a button
- No additional lubricant necessary
- With integrated safety valve
- Includes 1/4" coupling connector
- Light and robust design
Stilling hf.