Gírolía 75W80 MTF5200 1l

- Vörunúmer: LM20845

4.995 kr

Þróað til notkunar í gírkassa og millikassa. Hentar t.d. BMW, Ford, GM/Opel, Honda, Nissan, Toyota/Peugeot/Citroen, Volvo og fleiri bíla.


API GL4 Uppfyllir staðla:

BMW 83 22 0 309 031 BMW 83 22 0 403 247 BMW MTF LT-2 BMW MTF LT-4 Ford WSD-M2C 200-C GM 1940764 GM 1940768 NISSAN MT-XZ NISSAN MT-XZ TL (JR Type) Peugeot Citroen (PSA) B71 2330 Special Honda MTF-II Toyota Volvo 97308

  • excellent high-pressure and wear protection properties
  • outstanding resistance to oxidation
  • optimum stability to aging
  • reduces gearshift resistance
  • saves fuel and reduces pollutant emissions
  • excellent synchronous behavior
Klettháls 5 (lager)
Bíldshöfði 10
Stilling hf.